I'm making this post to explain why I believe Sip can help students learn languages 650% faster than university classrooms.
In order to answer this question, we need to know 2 things:
How quickly do university students learn languages?
How quickly do Sip users learn languages?
Luckily, Duolingo has performed a study to determine how long it takes university students to get to an A2 level in the language. According to them, it takes university students 240 hours (4 semesters * 60 hours/semester), and it takes Duolingo users 120 hours.
We estimate that it will take our users 37 hours to get to an A2 level in the language.
It’s estimated that students at the A2 level know ~1000 words. Users learn 27 words per hour spent on the Sip app and retain 99% of all words they learn (This includes time spent doing the lessons, watching videos, and reviewing sentences).
1000 words / 27 words per hour = ~37 hours
240 hours per university student / 37 hours per Sip user= ~6.5
This isn't a formal study so some of the numbers may change! Please let us know if your experiences are different. Additionally, we will continually improve the app to help you learn languages as quickly as possible. Thank you for reading and have a good day!